Shareholders and Investor Relations

Shareholders and Investor Relations

The transparent and strong relationship we have established with our investors is the key to our long-term successes.

Ownership Structure

Anadolu Grubu Holding Share Class Right to Nominate Share in Capital (000 TL) Share in Capital (%)
A (Bearer) - 194,828 80
B (Registered) 6 48,707 20
Total - 243,535 100
Lattest indirect Shareholding Structure
Shareholder Share in Capital Monetary Unit Ratio in Capital (%)
İzzet Türkan Özilhan Yönetim ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. 59.236.843 TRY 24,32
Kamil Yazıcı Yönetim ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. 59.236.843 TRY 24,32